Everything's on the back burner while I'm up to my eyeballs in War & Peace.
At this very moment I'm on page 486 with 177 to go until tomorrow's discussion. And there's still a workout to be sweated through, tonight's dinner to be made, a house to be cleaned, and a dessert to be prepared for tomorrow night's guests.
It's not that I haven't attempted to read in reasonable increments. I have, after all, read 169 of the required number of pages. It's just that literally, every time I sit down to read, something else comes up. Especially during this last week when it's gotten down to Crunch Time.
I blocked out Sunday; Nicole came home and ended up staying for dinner and a delightful repartee with the fam.
I blocked out Monday; my brother stopped by for a long overdue catch-up session.
I blocked out this afternoon; and I've worked way longer than I should have on my half-day Tuesday.
It seems that no matter what you do, you're always having to make choices based on your priorities. And despite the fact that it looks highly likely that I won't get my reading done for tomorrow, I'm happy with the way I've ordered mine.