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May 11, 2009


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Ms. Maxwell

Live more, my friend. You deserve it.

Lindsay S.

Wonderful wonderful. It's nice when you realize that you really CAN have it all. I'm so happy for you!



less IS more, enjoy every second of your new simplicity Cath, you deserve it!
{and I am glad that you will have more time to write, and do hope that you will continue to share your gift of prose here with us!}

Marilyn Moore

Good for you, Catherine. I know you will reap many rewards from this. My last two years at Alta were half-time, and what a difference it made. Before that, I was so tired all that time that my free time was really time I used to gear up for the next work day. I am happy for you.

susan opel

I *heart* you and your gutsy move! :)


So happy for you Cath...you are truly amazing and inspiring in so many ways...didya know that?

Kody Partridge

I am proud of you. You are courageous. Kody

Kim Kesti

Fortune cookies says "you will be rewarded by making a tough decision". Good for you, girl!

Susan Neal

this makes me smile. It's inspiring. Thanks and many best wishes for your 'new' simpler life.

Gina K.

Such an inspiring post. Lots of food for thought here, Cath. Thanks for taking the time to write it all down.

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