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February 19, 2009


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Steve Trottier

That is beautiful. Captures perfectly the essence of a dreary late-winter and the promise of coming spring. Thank you.

Marilyn Moore

I know exactly what you mean. I am so sick of winter. Great descriptions, Catherine!

Karen Hill

My Dad used to say about the Jan.-Feb. part of Winter -
"As the days begin to lengthen,
Then the cold beings to strengthen"

Now the sun is up until a reasonable time in the evening and I'm really enjoying that. My favorite part of the day is the "blue time" also.

And Venus is SO BRIGHT in the evening sky right after sunset.

So enjoying this time, and looking forward to March and April.

Barbara Spencer

The mold is a pretty good description of how the winter sometimes drags us down, definitely more descriptive than the boring "blahs". Soon March will be knocking at our doors, or blowing them down. March, one of the most unpredictable months of the year, but the gateway to SPRING!!!!!!

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