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August 22, 2008


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Account Deleted

haha... you know you are REALLY in when you update from your phone. its a lifestyle i suppose! glad to be your friend on facebook and face to face! you rock you dirty mama!


Oh my goodness! I've been on facebook for the last four years! I'm friend-ing you and the other gals immediately! :) I was obsessed at first too. It's normal. Haha

susan opel

Well, Cath, I spent last night IMing a former student, Brandy, and my cousin's daughter all at once. It's official... I'm hooked (and so is my mommy!).

beth opel

Oh, yeah, we are Facebook freaks now! Yay for Kalyn, too!

Brandy J.

I think Dave is hoping this is a phase. I've spent the last three nights on social networking sites (Facebook and the new PC site) adding pictures, friends, and (like Cath mentioned) creating Flair. If anyone wants to be my friend look me up and send me a little message. :)

Becky Olsen

I would be the resistant one because I watch my kids (all four) FACEBOOK all day long, LOL!!!
But they have some pretty amazing flair already done, so I just might have to join the lemmings and jump...

Stefanie Hamilton

OMG, no. First I had to join MySpace because Megan made me, and now I've joined Facebook. Although I will say that I can't believe how many people I know are on there! I added you and Brandy and Beth. ;-)
I don't totally get the point of the whole thing, but count me in to the 21st century.

Dawn McVey (dawnsing)

Hi Girly! Just wanted to let you know that I gave you an award over at my blog! And no, I don't facebook.....I'm a little behind the times. I just discovered the wonders of Google Reader last week! LOL!

Have a great night!




Hi Cath,
I just found your blog by reading Dawn's blog, LOL. I am on Facebook, but only because a frined invited me. I only have her as a friend. I will have to go check out the Paper Crafts group, if I can figure it out.

Jennifer Hansen

Have always been a little intimidated by Facebook, but will have to check it out. Like I'm not online enough the way it is...lol.

susan stringfellow

oh, you have been sucked in! LOL! I am still in the resisting stage - mostly because of my boys obsession with it. Have fun! I have so many friends who love it. And if I ever cross over to the dark side, I will let you know. :)

Joanne Basile

Ahhhhh the facebook. I thought I lost a lot of time blog surfing and facebook just takes that to the next level! So glad to have found your blog through Dawn's. It was WONDERFUL to meet you in person at CHA! Hope you had a fantastic weekend. Over too soon if you ask me! ;-)

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