1. Her exit strategy was delivered by the UPS man just last week.
2. One of our inspiring daughters, Nicole, has been accepted to graduate school!
3. In Toronto.
4. That's the Toronto in Ontario, Canada, where she'll be precisely 1,916.83 miles from our doorstep.
5. She's not just out of the nest, she's flyin' the gall durned coop.
6. And it's time. Really it is.
7. We know this.
8. We are over-the-moon happy for her. Over the moon!
9. And proud as peacocks that we have a kid going to graduate school. We've got a kid going to graduate school!
10. But I'm not sleeping at night and doubled over with gut aches wondering what I'm going to do without the light she brings to my life.
11. Knowing that Skype and email and unlimited text and bottomless long distance will make this easier than it has ever been before. And we're always looking for new places to vacation.
12. Knowing equally that there's nothing quite like hangin' out in the living room, each in her favorite chair, gabbing over a cuppa tea with laughter and tears and anger and frustration and joy ringing in the rafters. Ringing in the everloving rafters!
13. Inevitably followed by a hug with a squeeze and a kiss on the forehead. Love you, Bud.
14. Making me wonder--
15. How does anyone ever survive the roller coaster that is parenthood?
...and will I?